Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The New Addition.....

This is our new puppy, Jeminye (pronounced like the birth sign, Gemini). She was born March 11, 2008. She is a purebread boxer. We got her on Saturday, May 17, 2008. She has adapted well to our apartment...and to Maxie. Jeminye is a quick learner, and has the "potty outside" or on the "training pad" thing down pretty well. She's energetic, crazy, and very persistent. Troy and I learned that we can't gate the kitchen and leave her in there during the day. We did a "trial run" the other night. We put up baby gates at each entrance to the kitchen, and put her in there. We left to get some dinner, and when we came back (maybe 15 minutes later), she was out. The gates were still up....and there wasn't room for her to crawl underneath. We found out that she used her huge paws, and climbed up and over the baby gate. She hurt her paw a little bit doing that....but she's ok....and maybe, just maybe, she learned a lesson! So now we have to leave her in the hallway during the day (while Troy and I are at work), with the gates double high! If she gets out of this one.....then she definitely got some help from Maxie! She is a lot of work, but we both love her....and Maxie loves having a playmate and a "little sister."

Here they are together.... Jeminye on the left, and Maxie on the right. They both pose for pictures quite nicely! :) We think Maxie has some boxer in her.....the white belly, white paws, same color. Do you see a resemblence? They play well together, and are pretty good at sharing the dog toys. Of course they both snarf down their food, and love treats, walks, and lots and lots of attention! :)