Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 4, 2013

Growing Up....

Here are some additional pictures of the boys that are pretty recent.  I absolutely love some of the faces they make.  They just make me laugh!

Tristan on the left, Landon on the right.  This is when Tristan was having an eczema outbreak.  Poor little guy.

Landon thinking about smiling

Here we go....he smiled for me!

Landon in his winter bear suit!  They looked so cute in them.  Not too long ago this thing was HUGE on both boys, and now they are about to outgrow it.  They are getting so big!

Tristan in his little bear suit. 

What is the deal with their eyes?  Tristan is bug-eyed and Landon looks evil!  Lol!

"Ah mom, not ANOTHER picture!"

Tristan is thinking about eating the camera!

"Playing" with their carseat toys.  They sure do love all the squeaking, jingling, and bright colors on them!

Landon is getting chunky!

Tristan eating his toy.

Mommy and the boys.  Tristan on the left, Landon on the right.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

All Smiles!

I love how the boys are really starting to respond to my voice and facial expressions.  I love when they smile at me!  They are starting to giggle a little bit and I just think they have the cutest little smiles ever!  I only recorded Tristan smiling....Landon was sleeping, so I had some "mommy time" with Tristan.  I need to get Landon too....that's next!  Of course I'm doing the "baby talk" thing in the video, so once again, ignore my cheesy commentating.  The video is just to see Tristan smile!

Baby Blessing

Today the boys were blessed in church.  My dad blessed Landon first, then Chris blessed Tristan.  Both blessings were amazing and they were each unique.  It was pretty amazing how my dad and brother didn't say anything the same.  They both gave completely different blessings, and both blessings focused on different aspects of life.  The boys were really good for the blessing, and didn't cry at all!  And of course they looked so handsome in their blessing outfits!!!  I'm so grateful that my dad and brother were willing to bless them!

Mi familia!  My brother Chris, Sister in law Liz, Me with Landon, Troy with Tristan, My dad, My mom with Annie

Hills and Nuzzaco Family!
JoAnne Hall, Rachael Nuzzaco with Landon, Me, Jennifer, Givan, and Troy with Tristan
Rachael N., Me, Jennifer, Givan, and Troy

Dave Berg, Me, Troy, and Chris Berg.  Dave Berg was our home teacher when we were teens!
Me and Troy with the boys
Stephen Nuzzaco with Landon

I must have been saying something when this picture was snapped!

The Hills and the Johnsons


Landon looks very content!


A big yawn for a big boy!  Our little Tristan

Tristan.  How did his pant legs get like that?  Looks like he's wearing shorts!

Tristan stretching and relaxing

Auntie Liz with Tristan

Landon and Tristan

Camera shy....Tristan

Landon and an unhappy boy :(

Where are you going Tristan?  No, he's not going to fall off!

Landon just relaxing!


Landon trying to sleep after a long day!

Sleepy Tristan

Too cute!

Love the hat on Tristan!

And the hat on Landon...he's all curled up!

How CUTE is this?  I loved their outfits!