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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Wedding Day

Our first picture together after the ceremony! Ahhhh....don't we look so cute together? More like relieved that it's finally over and that we don't have everybody staring at us anymore!

Troy, Lindsey, and Lindsey's mom after the ceremony. Looks like mom was laughing about something..... Chris probably cracked a joke!

It's the Newlyweds' Gang! Jennifer, Troy, Deonte (Troy's son), Lindsey, and Talya after the ceremony.

Chris holding CJ (Lindsey's brother and nephew), Troy, Lindsey, and Liz holding Emily (Chris' wife and their daughter)

Deonte, Troy, and Lindsey. Don't we all look so happy! This was before the "ceremony" so we were all a little nervous! :)