Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Montgomery County Fair

So we (Me, Troy, his two youngest Talia and Demari, and their mom) went to the Montgomery County Fair on August 10, 2008. The weather was PERFECT for a fair! Talia actually enjoyed the "Tower" ride.... it took her a little while though. In this picture she's trying to hide the fact that she really is enjoying it. There's another picture a little ways down of her and Demari on the same ride..... but the expression on her face is priceless in that picture (before she started liking the ride)!

Ahhhh...... the teacups! Who doesn't love the teacups? Especially after being in the sun for a
few hours! Thankfully we hadn't eaten yet when the kids got on this ride! :)

To be young again..... this slide looked like a lot of fun! The kids had to climb a cargo net, some stairs, so through tunnels etc., before the got to the slide. I wish they had things like this when we were their age. Talk about some serious static electricity though! I had to catch them at the bottom and they both shocked me!

Here's Talia and Demari driving a dump truck. They thought this was pretty cool because they could honk the horn on the truck and the horn was super loud! For some reason, whenever we got on riders where there was a "driver", Talia always took the drivers seat!

Here she is about to race on her jet ski!

And here it is.... the priceless picture of the kids on the "tower" ride. Do you think she looks scared enough? She was about to cry here.... but we were able to yell up to her that it would be ok. Of course she liked it after that.... which you can see by her smug look in the picture up top.

The carousel was the very first ride the kids got on. Talia LOVES horses and she wouldn't budge until she was able to get on the carousel! Daddy is showing them where to hold on to be safe.

A future career maybe? Demari loved the firetruck! He thought it was the neatest thing to be able to sit inside a real firetruck and be able to "drive" it. He was a little shy around the fireman, but he did use his manners and thanked the fireman for helping him up! I still think he has his heart set on being a train conductor! This boy seriously LOVES trains!
Here's talia in the Firetruck. She just wanted to pose for the camera. She couldn't care less that she was sitting in a real firetruck!

And of course the ponies! What would a fair be without the pony ride! She didn't want to get off the pony. Unfortunately, the pony rides weren't part of the ticket package, and were a cash only ride..... so the kids only got to ride them once. They were on them for about 5 minutes though!

Demari liked the pony ride too. However, he heard a train towards the end of the pony ride, so he was in a rush to get off so he could go see the train!

All in all, we had a wonderful time.... with the exception of "The Spider" ride. Let's just say, that was our last ride of the day! Imagine spinning around, and around really fast, going up and down, being jerked left and right, forwards and backwards.... while trying to keep the contents of your stomach and purse from flying out.... and hearing a very scared 6 year old little girl saying "my tummy hurts." As if that wasn't bad enough, poor Talia was slipping out of her seat, making the ride even that more terrifying for her (and me). She was holding onto me because she was scared.... and I was holding onto her so she wouldn't fall out! After "The Spider" ride, several small stuffed animals, only one potty trip, a caramel apple, a candy apple, one italian sausage with peppers, two giant cheeseburgers, one corndog, a slice of pizza, sprite, a box of popcorn, no boo-boo's, a queasy stomach, and 6 hours later....we were ALL tired and were more than ready to call it a day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Fun stuff--I think I've got a tummy ache just reading all the food items! Actually, I'm getting the munchies.
