Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Greatest Gift....

August 2007 - my nephew Sammy! What a cool little guy!

August 2007 - Danny, me, Alina, and Sammy.

August 2007 - Alina (only a few days old), Danny, and Sammy.

March 3, 2008..... the newest addition to my nieces and nephews.... CJ.

March 2008 - Me, CJ, and Emily

I have the greatest and cutest nieces and nephews in the world! These children are the greatest gifts! They are all warm hearted, caring, loving, and peaceful. I know that when they grow up, they will be successful in whatever they choose to do! I love them all equally! I don't see them often, but cherish when I do get to see them. I hope they know that although Aunt "Zee" isn't always able to send them tangible things, that there is one thing I am always sending to unconditional love! (uncle Troy too)

The In-Laws

The 3 Muskateers.... also known as brothers. Troy and his two brothers Carlos (in white) and Dammion (in black). Troy is the youngest of the brothers. Being the youngest is tough! You get picked on, told on, lied on, and often times left out! As adults, they do still tease each other every once in a while.... but they also have one of the strongest bonds I've ever seen!

More of Troy's "crazy" family (lol!). From left to right, Destinee (Dammion's daughter), Troy, Carlos, Dammion, Katrice (Dammion's daughter), and Michael.... my father in law! What a crazy bunch of people! :)

Maxie Turns 2!!

So Maxie turned 2 in February of this year (08). Every birthday is special.... even those of man's best friend! And of course it's not a birthday without a cake, guests, and presents!

Maxie is thoroughly enjoying her cake and ice cream. Well.... what's left of it! Emily I believe is picking the sprinkles out of her cake!

My parents dogs, Otto, Tessa, and Archie all got cake and ice cream too!

The presents.... Maxie was actually opening them once she realized there were toys for her. And those little hands that are helping Maxie open her presents are those of Emily! She thought having a birthday party for Maxie was the neatest thing especially since she helped wrap the presents!

Our Growing Doggies!

This picture was taken July 10th, 2008. It is of course of our two doggies, Jeminye (left) and Maxie (right). As you can see, at this point in time, Jeminye is nearly the same height as Maxie. When we got Jeminye, she was just over 2 months old, and weighed only 13 pounds. As of August 28, 2008, Jeminye weighed in at 41 pounds at 5 1/2 months, while Maxie is fully grown and has maxed out at 47 pounds at 2 1/2 years of age. Our vet (whom we think is the greatest vet in the world because he always explains things to us so we don't have any "surprises), says Jeminye will be at least 75 pounds!

This picture was taken in January of 2008. This was one of Maxie's favorite spots while being over at my mom and dad's house. It was her "safe haven" from Tessa! Maxie thought she was untouchable in this laundry basket. We often found her just taking naps in it!

This of course is Troy and Jeminye....when we first got her and were able to pick her up with ease!

Troy and I went to Pet Smart the other day to get Jeminye a new kennel. She had grown out of the one she had, and desperately needed a bigger one. Once there, we saw Halloween costumes for dogs. Our attention immediately drew to the devil and angel costumes and we just had to get them.... there really is no better way to describe Maxie and Jeminye! Yes, I know it's not Halloween yet, but I had to try them on the dogs to see how they looked!