Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 17, 2009

Downtown Disney

This is the beginning of our trip. Once we checked into our hotel, we got ourselves cleaned up and went to Downtown Disney, which is a bunch of shops, rides, restaurants, entertainment, etc. It was pretty relaxing. I know that after a long drive, then Downtown Disney, we were all tired and ready for bed at the end of the day!
These are all made out of LEGOS. Can you imagine how long it took to make these? Not to mention the prep work....the design, etc. YIKES!!

Another LEGO scene....

Dinosaur made out of LEGOS

LEGO robot

More LEGO scenes (above and below)

Tyler with the LEGO family and dogs (above and below)

Rainforest Cafe sign.....we ate there. It was lovely! Our picture inside the cafe is here somewhere.

Emily with two princess statues (above and below)

Here it is.....eating at the Rainforest Cafe

A picture of one of the shops
Part of the LEGO dinosaur/sea monster/dragon....

Mom, Chris, and Emily on the boat to the Rainforest Cafe

Me, Diamond, Troy, and Tyler on the boat to the Rainforest Cafe

The view from the World's largest helium balloon

Another view......

On the helium balloon......before take off!

Another picture before the takeoff

Emily before we got on the balloon

What the balloon looks like in the air....we aren't on this one of course, otherwise I wouldn't have the picture!

Troy, Diamond and Tyler at the entrance of Downtown Disney

The whole gang (except me because I'm taking the picture)

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