Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 1, 2013

SIX months old!!

The boys are growing so fast!  It's so hard to believe that they are 6 months old (as of June 23rd).  At their 6 month baby well visit, Landon was just over 17 pounds and was 26 inches long.  He is in about the 40th percentile for FULL term babies.  Neither of the boys are on the preemie charts anymore.  How crazy is that!  Tristan was about 20 pounds at the 6 month baby well visit and was 27 inches long.  It's so hard to believe that they are gaining about 2 - 2.5 pounds per month and have grown 8-9 inches. 

Landon and Tristan are both rolling over with some assistance.  Their doggone arm gets in the way!  So if we can get them up over their arm onto their side, they will finish the roll.  I have to keep reminding myself that they were nearly 2 months early, so technically they are about 4 months old.  Both boys get their legs underneath them when they have tummy time.  It has me thinking that they are going to crawl soon!

Both boys are trying to sit up.  If we lay them down, they will lift their head/neck and their legs to try to sit up.  They don't like laying down because they want to see everything!

Tristan is developing separation anxiety.  If somebody else is holding him, he will watch me like a hawk.  Then if I leave his sight he starts to cry.  That's my little Buddha!  Landon is happy for the most part being with other people.  Every once in a while he just wants his mommy.

They are drinking water now and are eating solids regularly.  They have their little sippy cups and seem to enjoy drinking from them.  They can hold the cup and put it in their mouth, but they have a hard time tilting it up. 

Tristan is such a talker now!  I think when we went out to Idaho for my uncle's funeral, he was tired of not getting the same amount of attention that Landon was receiving.  Tristan was a hard one to make crack a smile before we went out there, but when we came back, he just started chatting up a storm.  Landon is such a ham and likes to flirt!  They both have the cutest little laughs.

Landon and Tristan both have some potential minor medical issues.  Landon has had two ear infections in two months so the pediatrician has discussed the possibility of tubes.  He also has weak membrane surrounding his stomach muscles.  Tristan has a lower eyelid that turns in towards his eyeball.  This can potentially be bad because the lashes could scratch and damage his cornea.  Right now it's all a waiting game to see if surgery will be required for any of the conditions.  So we just wait and see.  They both had bronchilitis about one month ago.  Tristan needed an inhaler and a steroid, and Landon only needed an inhaler (they have a mask that hooks onto it so you can cover their mouth and nose),  They also gave us a nebulizer to use if we felt it would work better.  We havent' used it yet though.

Overall, the boys are healthy and incredibly happy!  They laugh, scream (happy screams), love to be tickled, kissed and snuggled!  They definitely know their mommy and daddy love them because we show them!

Here are their 6 month pictures

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