Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I've been tagged (I think....I read my name on my sisters list), so here it goes:

3 Shows I Watch
  • CSI: Vegas
  • Dog Whisperer
  • Super Nanny

3 Favorite Restaurants

  • Cheesecake Factory
  • Ruby Tuesday's
  • Olive Garden

3 Things that Happened Yesterday

  • went to work
  • picked Troy up from work :)
  • watched CSI with Troy

3 Things I'm Looking Forward To

  • seeing my step-children and nieces/nephews open their gifts on Christmas day
  • our 1 year anniversary
  • being a mom one day

3 Things on My Wish List

  • health for all my family
  • to see all my family together soon
  • less struggle financially

3 Things I Love

  • my husband
  • my family
  • my job

3 Things I Can't Stand

  • being late for work (rarely/never happens)
  • speed demons (people speeding in their car)
  • when people ask me about my opinion...then they criticize me for it!!

3 People to Tag

  • Chris (O brother, where art thou?)
  • Jennifer H
  • um....everybody else on my friends/family list was already tagged....

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