Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve my mom, dad, Troy, Talia, Demari, and myself went to the Visitor's Center to see the lights and the live manger. Talia, Demari, and Troy have never seen so many lights. Troy's first words when he saw the lights were, "Holy Moly!" The weather was pretty nice. It wasn't too cold. As soon as we got out of the car, Demari gave "grandma" and "grandpa" a big hug and said "I missed you." (Although he had just seen my mom a few hours prior to this get together....). Demari grabbed "grandpas" hand, and off we went to check out the lights!

We went inside for a little bit to see the nativity scenes and other displays, but the kids started getting a little cranky (it was a little late), and they were eager to get to our house to get the cookies ready for Santa.

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