Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Home and doing well!

Both boys are home!  Tristan came home first on January 8th.  We had to take him to the doctor on January 9th for a checkup.  The pediatrician examined him and said he looks great!  As we were leaving the doctor's office (in the elevator), the hospital called and said "Landon is ready to go home!!!!"  So as soon as we got back in the car, we went and picked up our little Landon!  Landon also needed a doctor's appointment the following day for a checkup, and he too looked fantastic!

It has been nice having both boys home!  Our family is finally complete!  We no longer have to go back and forth to the hospital.  It's way less stressful....both emotionally and physically!  The boys seem to be thriving at home.  It's like they know they are home and are in a more relaxed environment!  They are eating a lot, and are waking up every 2-3 hours for feedings!  You can't talk about a newborn without talking about their poop!  They are both pooping regularly as well.

They have grown so much!  Leaving the hospital Tristan was about 5lbs 6 ounces and Landon was about 5 pounds 3 ounces.  Well, now they are both right around 6 pounds!  We have definitely seen a huge difference in them!  It's amazing how quickly they grow.  We can feel them getting heavier, and Landon is starting to really fill out.  He no longer has the thin cheeks.  He has chubby cheeks just like Tristan!  Their cries are also very distinct!  Landon has a higher pitched cry than Tristan....and Landon also makes different noises.  Sometimes he sounds like a dinosaur, other times he sounds like he's trying to start a car, or is a little sheep.  It's so cute!

Of course we aren't getting any sleep.  Taking care of two babies IS as hard as they say it is!  It's constantly go, go, go!  I'm lucky if I get a nap in during the day.  Most of the time I don't get a nap!  Troy has also gone back to work, so I am at home with the boys by myself during the day!  I have it down pretty much to a science though!  I was even able to bathe them the other day!  I love being home with them and wouldn't change it for the world!  I am so fortunate that I am able to take off work so I can spend time with my babies and help them grow and learn!

I'll post pictures later....just wanted to post a quick update!  All are doing well.  (other than Tristan and I being sick right now...but saline nose drops and a warm humidifier seem to be helping him!).

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