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Friday, January 25, 2013

The Joys of Motherhood!

I still can't believe that I am a mom!  So far, being a mom has been the most rewarding experience I have ever had.  It's absolutely amazing looking into your baby's eyes, rubbing their soft skin, touching their little hands and feet, and running your fingers gently through their hair!  It's hard to believe that somebody can make something so our case, TWO beautiful somethings! 

Being a mother is hard work though.  The major sleep deprivation does take a toll on you, but somehow you tend to manage and make it through every single minute.  You learn to take naps when the babies are sleeping and that the cleaning can wait just a little while longer.  You learn to tell the difference between their cries, and you also learn what their cry means when they are crying!  You learn to cover their "junk" with a baby wipe when you're changing them, and that when they are passing gas during a diaper change.....quickly put their legs down and cover them with a diaper, otherwise you'll get pooped on!  You learn about all their different facial expressions and hear all the different noises they make.  Often times, the noises that come out of them are comical!  You learn to tell the difference between the two without having to really think about it.  Whereas others may be confused with who is who.....mommy is not!  Mommy KNOWS who is who without having to think about it!

It's tough getting no sleep, having two babies screaming at the same time, having to do twice the work, but when they look back at you, and just gaze into YOUR eyes, it makes it all worth it!  You realize that they DEPEND on YOU and that they NEED you!  It's the most amazing feeling in the world!  It's something I wouldn't trade for anything!  :)

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