Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 14, 2013

More Pictures & Stuff

So I guess it's time for another post.  Quite a bit has happened since the last post.  The boys have grown a ton!  I can't believe how big they are getting!  They are both now over 9 pounds each!   They are currently  7 1/2 weeks old.  They are really starting to develop their little personalities.  Landon is more of a mommy's boy.  He loves snuggling with his mommy (which of course I LOVE!).  He loves to gaze into my eyes as well as the eyes of his daddy.  He definitely lets you know when he's unhappy!  He's not afraid to vocalize it!  Tristan is a mommy's and daddy's boy.  He doesn't really care who is holding him, as long as they have food for him!  Lol!  He is getting really chubby cheeks and is starting to smile in response to my voice.  It's the neatest thing ever!  Landon is getting there with the smiling.  Tristan also lets you know when he's unhappy, however he's not as vocal (aka - as loud) as Landon is!  The boys are now out of their newborn clothing and are now wearing 3 month clothing.  This means they are also out of their newborn diapers.  Those things were starting to look like speedos on them!  :)  They are in size 1 diapers now.  At the rate they are growing, they'll be out of those diapers in about 8 weeks.  We had about 1 1/2 boxes worth of newborn diapers left that they are unable to wear.  Fortunately for us, there are about 5 women at Troy's work who are expecting, so they got some diapers!  They didn't go to waste!  I am so thrilled that they are growing well, developing well, and are here!  They are my little miracles and I love them to pieces!  I'm fortunate to be able to be home with them for the time being!  What is in the near future?   Their shots.  Boo.  They get their first round of shots on the 25th, which is 2 days past their 2 month mark.  Technically I guess they will be receiving their second round of shots.  They received their first hepatitis B shot while in the NICU.  Troy is taking off that entire day because he already knows I will be a mess!  My poor babies!  I just have to remember that the shots help protect them.  If I go in with that mentality MAYBE I'll be ok, but I doubt it!
Mommy with Tristan
Mommy with her little Landon
Mommy with little Tristan
Mommy and Landon
Tristan and Landon
Tristan and Landon

Brothers!!  Landon on the left, Tristan on the right

Tristan wore this outfit for Auntie Jessica!

Big sister Talia with her brothers and cousins.

Nana Hill with the boys, big brother, big sisters, and cousins.
Landon and Tristan playing on their jungle mat

Landon getting tummy time on his tummy mat

Four generations of Hills.
Big sister!  Jordan with the boys.

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