Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The most frightening thing.....

Tonight, the most frightening thing happened.  I hope nothing like this EVER happens again!  Troy is back to working overtime on the weekends.  In order to spend some time with him, the boys and I sometimes go with him.  Plus it helps with him driving home, as he gets very tired at night.  Anyways, when I go with him,, I always wind up packing a large diaper bag, food, etc.  Tonight I brought the jungle play mat for the boys.  Landon and Tristan were both sleeping on the play mat and the next thing you know, Landon is spitting up from his mouth and nose.  He had done this before, but has always been able to recover pretty quickly from it.  Anyways, he stopped breathing and became lifeless.  I was freaking out!  I started shaking like a leaf.  I was trying to remove the stuff from his nose since this is how babies breath.  Since I had changed diaper bags before we left, I forgot to pack their grooming kits which contain their nasal aspirators.  So I had nothing to removed the crud from his nose.  I was frantically wiping his nose, sticking my nail in his nostrils to remove the spit up, and kept tapping his foot and back to get him to breath.  He finally started to breath again, but his color was off for about 20 minutes or so.  He was extremely sleepy afterwards so I was trying everything to keep him awake.  It was so bad that I was on the verge of calling 911.  Fortunately it didn't get to that point and yes, his color finally came back.  I have been watching him like a hawk since then.  Words can't even begin to express how helpless I felt!  I am just so glad he is OK!

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