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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Diamond's Big Day - GRADUATION!!

Troy, Kesha (his sister), and I travelled to Salisbury, Maryland this past Thursday to see Diamond graduate from Wicomico High School. Troy didn't cry as much as I thought he would, but he did get teary eyed a few times!

Although I've only been around Diamond for the past 4 or 5 years, I have to say that I am very proud of her! She has made such huge progress and has really become a beautiful young woman! She has many talents to share with others, and we are all blessed to have her in our lives! We all wish her nothing but the very best as she continues with the next chapter of her life! It only gets more difficult and complicated from here on out, but we all know that she is up for the challenge and that she will succeed in what ever she chooses to do!

At Diamond & her Mom's house
(before graduation)

Diamond and her Daddy

Diamond and her Daddy....again

Just Diamond

Diamond, Michelle (her mom), and sister

Michelle, Diamond, and Troy

Diamond and her Aunt Kesha (Troy's sister)

At the Civic Center Before the Ceremony
(Where the graduation was held)

Just Diamond....probably really nervous!

Me, Diamond, and Troy

Diamond with her daddy

Michelle, Diamond, and Troy

Just Diamond again! This picture is super cute!

Doing what they do best....being silly

Troy and his sister Kesha

The Ceremony

Wicomico High School Class of 2009!

Diamond is the one standing at the flag pole. They are about to call her name (pictures are really dark, I know.....)

Diamond receiving her diploma from the principal of WiHi.

At the bottom of the stairs....about to have her official graduation picture taken.

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