Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trip to Utah - Day in SLC and Park City

Troy and I decided one day to head out to Salt Lake City to see the sights. Since this was Troy's first time to Utah, I glady obliged, and we got into our rental car and headed to SLC. I showed him the Delta Center where the Utah Jazz play, the tabernacle (told him it's where the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings), Temple Square, the capitol building, etc. It's amazing how you can be away for so long....but things come back to you. We didn't get lost at all!

After SLC (where we also got our matching tattoos), we decided that we still wanted to do something. So we drove up the road to Park City....home of Utah Olympic Park. It was strange going from 75 degree temperatures to below 40 degrees. We had a great time though. We checked out Park City (I had never been, even while we lived in Utah), including the Park City outlets, got dinner, then headed back to Jessica's house. It was a fun day!

Olympic Park

At the top of Utah Olympic Park

The view from Olympic Park

The view again....

Troy in the snow at the Park City Outlets


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