Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trip to Utah - Fun at Aunt Karren's House

These are pictures of us at Aunt Karren's house. I didn't get any pictures of Karren, Grandma, or Aunt Kathy though....don't know why. Guess I just got tired of taking pictures!

Emily and Katie playing with Littlest Pet Shop and Barbies

Jessica, Sammy, Alina, and 1/2 of Troy playing with toys

Jessica, Alina, Sammy, and Liz laughing at something Troy said

"The boys", minus Danny and Jacob

Troy, CJ, Sammy, Jessica, Alina, part of mom, and Liz

CJ giving a big cheese for the camera!

Looks like they are trying to figure something out?

Two very tired girls! Katie and Emily.

The boys, again.

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