Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Break a's not meant LITERALLY!!!

On Sunday the 21st Troy was at work and somehow he fell.  When he fell, he heard and felt a pop in his leg.  He couldn't get up and was lying on the multi-purpose room floor.  He must have blacked out for a bit and he was definitely in shock.  When he came to, he finally called me and told me what had happened.  Because he was working at an elementary school, I had to immediately call the county security (he was inside the building and all exterior doors were locked, so nobody could get in to help him).  Once I called security, they showed up along with EMT's.  The EMT's evaluated Troy on the scene and determined that he broke his leg.  Once they got him stabilized, they took him to Shady Grove Hospital.  X-Rays determined that he had a spiral tibia fracture.  They had to reset his leg....I almost passed out when this happened and I wasn't even in the room!  They said he would need surgery, but I guess they couldn't do it at this hospital, or needed a second opinion, so they transferred him to Suburban hospital, which is a trauma hospital.

At Suburban, they definitely determined that he needed surgery.  It was supposed to be done Monday morning, but we had a hard time getting answers about anything.  It was extremely frustrating!  We were waiting all day Monday, and finally Monday evening at around 7p.m., they told us he would go in for surgery at 8 p.m.  The surgery ended at 10:30 p.m. and he was in the recovery room for about an hour or so.  He finally made it back to his room a little after midnight and he was in a lot of pain.  He was on a bunch of pain medication.....dilaudid, valium, and oxycotin to name a few.  He was supposed to go home Tuesday, but because the pain was not under control, they kept him until Wednesday.

He's home now, and still in pain, but we are trying to manage it keep him comfortable.  It's really difficult having to care for somebody period....but being pregnant with twins, well, that's even more difficult.  It's draining, stressful, emotional, and no fun!  But I do what I have to do.  He is my sickness and in health!

He has a long recovery period ahead of him.  He's going to have several orthopedic appointments, physical therapy, etc.  So between his appointments and mine, it will be a lot!  I took off work to take care of him and I hope he gets better soon.  He has a hard time staying down....maybe this was God's way of telling him that he needed to slow down....he wouldn't listen to me, so he needed a wake up call.  I just didn't think it would be like this!

Anyways, I found a video on YouTube that shows the procedure that Troy had done.  Fast forward to about 1 minute 40 seconds and watch from there.  That's what the surgery was that he had Monday night.

(Fast forward to about 1 minute, 40 seconds, and this is what they did to Troy's leg!)

All bruised

Top two incisions (three total).  The large incision is where they inserted the rod. 
The smaller incisions are where the screws are.

Bottom incision

Bottom incision with bruising around the foot

Whole leg

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another healthy Dr's Appointment!

I had another doctor's appointment today.  Babies look good.  Baby Troy Jr. is no longer head down.  He decided to turn around, and his head is now above my belly button.  Baby Tristan is still in the same position.  His head has been up for the past month or so.  The heartbeats look good, and both boys were moving around during the ultrasound. 

My weight gain is steady, so I'm hoping it stays that way and doesn't get too excessive.  I'm gaining about 1 - 1.5 pounds per week, which is normal for twin pregnancies.  My blood pressure was 118/64, so it's still really good.  No bed rest is required yet!  Yay!  That's good news! 

I start going in for appointments every two weeks from here on out.  I also have another ultrasound in two weeks where they will check the growth and weight of the babies.  They need to make sure both babies are growing at an even rate. 

I'm 23 1/2 weeks today, and my uterus is measuring at 29 weeks....5 1/2 weeks larger which is why I look like I'm almost full term!  I'm just glad we had another good visit!  :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Birth Announcement.....

So today I was browsing for birth announcements.  I found 6 samples that I really like.  I'm thinking #1 the one that we're going to go with when that time comes.  Which one is your favorite?

# 1






Thursday, October 11, 2012

Honeymoon is over.....

I guess it's time to write another post.  Hmmm...what has been going on since the last post?  The latest thing I am experiencing is blurry vision!  I was on my way to work Monday, and my vision went blurry and I was seeing white lights.  My eyes stayed that way for several hours.  I called Kaiser, and they had me come in to get checked out.  All was good.  Apparently during pregnancy, some women wind up having vision problems, but it goes away once you give birth.  So this is yet another pregnancy side effect I'm having!  Oh well, it will be worth it!  :)

My "honeymoon" period of pregnancy has ended :(  The doctor did say I would only have about 6 weeks or so of feeling "good."  And he was right.  I've started to feel nauseated again, am constantly fatigued, and can't get any sleep.  I will be 23 weeks on Saturday, so I have about 14 more to go!

Other than that, the boys are doing well.  They are growing and are incredibly active!  It feels like I have a boxing match going on in my stomach.  Pretty cool!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hospital Scare

For the past couple of days, I haven't been feeling too well.  Yesterday it seemed worse than the days before.  I was feeling a lot of constant pressure and lower back pain.  I decided to call Kaiser and see what they wanted me to do.  I was expecting them to tell me to just lay down and rest.  Did that happen?  Nope!  The OB that was on call told me that I needed to go to the hospital.

So about 11:00 at night, Troy got dressed and he took me to Saint Agnes Hospital (the hospital where I will deliver).  We arrived at the Emergency Room and notified that desk attendant that the Labor and Delivery unit was expecting me.  They called L&D, and shortly after I was wheeled up to that unit.  I told them I could walk, but they said it's policy to be wheeled in. 

I checked in at the L&D unit desk, and they got me situated in an exam room (not a regular delivery room).  The nurse came in, gave me a gown, told me to pee in a cup, and then to lay down on the hospital bed (which was VERY uncomfortable).  She then left, and came back a few minutes later.  She took my urine to be tested for a possible urinary tract infection or bladder infection.  Then she put heart monitors on my belly to check the heart beats of our boys.  She chuckled a few times because Troy warned her that one is extremely active.....and was he ever right.  Baby T.J. kept on kicking the heart monitor.  It was pretty funny.  The heartbeats were fantastic, so no worries there.

Next step....hook me up to the machine that monitors contractions.  I was sitting on a mat that was on the bed, and it was rather itchy, so it made it that much more uncomfortable.  Anyways, once I was hooked to the machine, the nurse said she wanted me to be monitored for about 20 minutes.  When she came back to check the results, she said I had a few contractions, but nothing to be extremely concerned about.  Next thing was the doctor coming in.  He checked my cervix to see if it was dilated.  Fortunately, it was completely closed!  But boy, did it ever hurt when he checked.  It felt like he shoved his whole fist up there!  (TMI, I know!!).

Apparently I have what they call an irritable uterus.  I'm not 100% sure what that means, so I'm still trying to figure it out myself.  What I have read thus far, is that it does increase my chances of pre-term labor, so that has me a bit worried.  I also understood it to mean that I will have frequent mild contractions that I probably won't feel.  I learned that an irritable uterus can be caused by stress, dehydration, lifting objects, and being tired.  Hmmm.....I have at least 3 of those!  All I can do is try to eliminate those things so I can have a healthy, full term pregnancy.  After all, we want healthy babies!!!   :)