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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Break a's not meant LITERALLY!!!

On Sunday the 21st Troy was at work and somehow he fell.  When he fell, he heard and felt a pop in his leg.  He couldn't get up and was lying on the multi-purpose room floor.  He must have blacked out for a bit and he was definitely in shock.  When he came to, he finally called me and told me what had happened.  Because he was working at an elementary school, I had to immediately call the county security (he was inside the building and all exterior doors were locked, so nobody could get in to help him).  Once I called security, they showed up along with EMT's.  The EMT's evaluated Troy on the scene and determined that he broke his leg.  Once they got him stabilized, they took him to Shady Grove Hospital.  X-Rays determined that he had a spiral tibia fracture.  They had to reset his leg....I almost passed out when this happened and I wasn't even in the room!  They said he would need surgery, but I guess they couldn't do it at this hospital, or needed a second opinion, so they transferred him to Suburban hospital, which is a trauma hospital.

At Suburban, they definitely determined that he needed surgery.  It was supposed to be done Monday morning, but we had a hard time getting answers about anything.  It was extremely frustrating!  We were waiting all day Monday, and finally Monday evening at around 7p.m., they told us he would go in for surgery at 8 p.m.  The surgery ended at 10:30 p.m. and he was in the recovery room for about an hour or so.  He finally made it back to his room a little after midnight and he was in a lot of pain.  He was on a bunch of pain medication.....dilaudid, valium, and oxycotin to name a few.  He was supposed to go home Tuesday, but because the pain was not under control, they kept him until Wednesday.

He's home now, and still in pain, but we are trying to manage it keep him comfortable.  It's really difficult having to care for somebody period....but being pregnant with twins, well, that's even more difficult.  It's draining, stressful, emotional, and no fun!  But I do what I have to do.  He is my sickness and in health!

He has a long recovery period ahead of him.  He's going to have several orthopedic appointments, physical therapy, etc.  So between his appointments and mine, it will be a lot!  I took off work to take care of him and I hope he gets better soon.  He has a hard time staying down....maybe this was God's way of telling him that he needed to slow down....he wouldn't listen to me, so he needed a wake up call.  I just didn't think it would be like this!

Anyways, I found a video on YouTube that shows the procedure that Troy had done.  Fast forward to about 1 minute 40 seconds and watch from there.  That's what the surgery was that he had Monday night.

(Fast forward to about 1 minute, 40 seconds, and this is what they did to Troy's leg!)

All bruised

Top two incisions (three total).  The large incision is where they inserted the rod. 
The smaller incisions are where the screws are.

Bottom incision

Bottom incision with bruising around the foot

Whole leg

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