Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 5, 2012

26 Weeks

Today we had our monthly ultrasound which measures the growth of our little boys.  They are both growing well.  I am 26 weeks and 2 days.  One baby was measuring at 27 weeks, and the other was measuring at 26 weeks 5 days.  They are right on target!  One was weighing in at 2 pounds, the other at 2 pounds 3 ounces (I don't remember which one was which).  They both have heart beats in the 140's (I believe one was at 149, the other at 140).  A normal range is 120-160.  We were both glad to see that the boys are growing well!

Baby A's (Troy Jr.) face.  Not the greatest picture, but we'll take it!

Baby B's (Tristan) face and profile.  What a CUTE profile!  :)

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