Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This afternoon we had an elective ultrasound done.....the 3D!  Although our doctor did a few images a couple of weeks ago, they were only able to get images of Baby B, as Baby A wasn't cooperating. 

Today, the baby that was cooperating for the doctor two weeks ago (Baby B) wasn't cooperating for us!  Stubborn little fella he is!  (they're both quite stubborn actually!).  Finally towards the end of the appointment Baby B cooperated enough to get some pictures.  They are pretty cool. 

When comparing the picture of Baby B from two weeks ago to the picture of Baby A today, they look the same!  Makes both of us wonder whether or not they are identical (which we found out there is a possibility!)

Troy is thrilled because he thinks both of the boys look like him.  And after taking a look, I would definitely say they both have his lips and nose!  The ultrasound technician also said they were both incredibly long babies (she said that at 16 weeks too when we did our gender reveal ultrasound).  They also have large feet and long fingers.  Looks like these "little" guys may not be so little after all!  We may have some 6 foot boys!

The 3D images of both Babies.  Going from left to right, Baby A is pictures 1 - 5 and Baby B is pictures 6 - 9.

2D images of Baby A

2D images of Baby B

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