Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 5, 2012

Baby Shower!

On Saturday, November 3rd we had our baby shower!  We had a great turn out and definitely feel loved by so many people!  We got some pretty good stuff!  We received some cute clothes, some books, diapers, wipes, a car seat, baby wash, baby lotion, our crib mobile, monster plushes (our nursery theme), blankets, hooded towels, play gym, gift cards, car seat toys, etc.  We are so excited for the arrival of our boys! 

I only took a few pictures, so when I receive pictures from others, I will definitely post them!  The pictures I took were taken before everybody arrived.  We had about 30 people at our shower.  I'm not sure if we got a picture of Troy and myself at the shower (he's sitting to my right in the picture of me).

The mom to be!  (me!)

The trike Rachael made out of diapers, blankets, socks, and a bottle.  SOOOO cute!

Some of the guests.....look at my little Annie on the left side.  She is so cute!

Some of my co-workers

Sister in law (in yellow) and Rachael (to the right of Liz) as well as some church members!

Talya and my mom

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