So it's official.....I am TIRED of being pregnant! I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow (Saturday) and I'm done! The third trimester is awful! I know many pregnant women are tired of being pregnant at some point, however, they usually make it to week 30 something before they get tired! I'm huge, uncomfortable 24/7, and feel crazy pains all over! Have you ever tried rolling out of bed being this huge? It's not easy! And by rolling, I really do mean rolling. You have to roll over to the correct side, then somehow push yourself up. It's a daily struggle! And it's not just rolling out of bed. It's getting out of a chair, off the couch, off the's an effort! (often times a joint effort!)
The boys are constantly pushing on my bladder, so it feels like I have to pee all the time....even after I just get done peeing! Sleep? What is that? Every hour I wind up "waking up" to switch the side I am laying on because my hip hurts. Then in the morning, it feels like somebody just took my legs and pulled, yanked, and stretched them out of my hip socket! I seriously think I will get more sleep once the babies are here. Many people say no, no, no, but they just don't KNOW how LITTLE sleep I get now. At least when the babies are here there will be about 2 hours in between feedings, changings, etc. That 2 hours equals sleep! Plus, Troy and I will be taking turns sleeping, so I definitely think I will get more sleep!
I definitely want the boys to go to 37 weeks......and I hope and pray every day that they do. I just want those 37 weeks to be here.....yesterday! :) On a positive least my gestational diabetes is under control! My numbers are right where they should be - under 120 two hours after meals! :)
I agree with you getting more sleep after they see are born! I was the same way: had to get up for the bathroom A LOT and had to switch side because my hips would get too sore