Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 5, 2012

'Screw'ed.......(ha ha)

Tomorrow Troy has an appointment with our primary care doctor to check up on his leg. Then Wednesday he has an orthopedic appointment, and will begin physical therapy twice a week. Between his appointments/therapy and mine, we will be going to the doctor at least 3 times per week! Should be fun!

He does seem to be doing a bit better. His spirits are up, although there is still quite a bit of pain. His leg is still pretty swollen and extremely bruised up. He's on the mend though and I hope within the next couple of weeks his leg will look "normal."

Below is an x-ray image of Troy's leg one week after surgery.  This is HIS actual leg with the rod and screws in it!  You can see the break towards the bottom of the leg (right above the bottom screws)

Troy's right leg.  His tibia bone is the one that has the rod in it.  The fibula, which is the smaller leg bone, has two hairline fractures.  One up high, the other down low.  You may be able to see them if you enlarge the image.

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