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Monday, November 12, 2012

Gestational Diabetes???? Yikes!

Well, there's a huge possibility that I may have gestational diabetes.  I did my glucose one hour test this past Friday and just got the results back.  Before I get into the results, I have to say the liquid they use for the test isn't that bad.  It tastes like an orange soda without the carbonation.  Ok, so the normal range for your glucose levels after one hour is anywhere between 70-140.  My number was 189.  This now means that I have to do the three hour glucose tolerance test.  I have to follow a special diet for three days before the actual exam.  Then I have to fast beginning the night before the exam.  From there, I have to have my blood taken I think every hour for three hours.  I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I will get the directions tomorrow when I go in for my appointment with the high risk doctor.

Speaking of high risk doctor, Troy and I decided to change our OB/GYN.  The first several years Dr. V treated me, he seemed fine.  Lately, every time I go in, it always seems like he is pre-occupied with other things.  I even asked him early on if I would need to see a high risk doctor, and he said no.  I was rather uncomfortable with that.  Then, he never even mentioned to me about having the glucose test done.  I knew it was coming up because I have been reading about high risk pregnancies like mine. 

So my last appointment we went to another doctor, Dr. T.  He's the one who saw me early on in pregnancy when I was diagnosed with hyperemesis.  We both like him.  He sat down with us, talked to us for a bit, explained things thoroughly, didn't rush through the appointment, asked us if we had any questions, then he checked the babies.  He even did the fundal measurements, which my other doctor never did.  That's how we knew that at 26 weeks I was measuring at 36 weeks.  He ordered blood work, including the glucose test.  We were both unsure why it wasn't done earlier.  He also set me up with an appointment with the high risk doctor.  Troy and I both feel a lot better now that we have switched to Dr. T.  We feel that we are now getting the care that we need!

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