Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The results are in.....well, at least 2/3 of the results!

I am sitting here anxiously awaiting the results of the glucose tolerance test for my 3rd hour.  Here are my results so far:

Fasting:  83 (normal range 70-109) = 
1 Hour Post Dose:   160 (normal range 70-189) = PASS  :)
2 Hours Post Dose:  176 (normal range 70-164) = FAIL  :(
3 Hours Post Dose:  ???????

Still waiting for that third hour.  If I pass the third hour, I don't have gestational diabetes.  Either way I will more than likely be placed on a special diet.  If I pass, I will wind up having to be re-tested later in pregnancy just to make sure my body is able to break down the glucose.  I'm hoping and praying that the third number comes back within the normal range!!!

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