Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hospital....High Risk Doctor....Urgent Care....Broken Toe....Physical Therapy....I'm EXHAUSTED!!!

So I just sent my sister an email with updates from us.  After sending the email, I decided that I needed to update our blog but I didn't feel like typing anything because my fingers are so stiff and swollen.  So I decided that I could just copy and paste what I sent her with a few minor changes.  So Jessica, if you are reading this post and are wondering why the content sounds so you know!  :)
Monday night I wound up going to Holy Cross Hospital. I hadn't felt the babies move, so I had to call Kaiser. They told me to go in for monitoring. Both are fine! The doctor was kind of strange though. He went to turn the light switch off to do an ultrasound, and almost fell on me. The switch was on the other side of the bed, and instead of going around the bed, he reached over me. Pretty frightening!
Tuesday I went to the high risk doctor. He said that since I failed my 1 hour glucose test, that I have gestational diabetes. If I was pregnant with only 1 baby, then there is a chance that I would pass the next test. But with twins, nearly all women with multiples develop GD. I was really upset about it because I'm worried how it will impact the boys. He said it won't impact them at all and that they are fine. He still wants me to do my 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I have to "carb load" for the next three days, then I will have the test Saturday morning. GD also increases my chances of pre-eclampsia, so they will be watching me very closely.  They took lots of pictures at the appointment.  Some were 4D.  They were only able to get one 4D picture of "Baby A." He wasn't cooperating! And the picture they did get isn't that clear. The pictures are labeled. AA is Baby A. BB is Baby B. Troy thinks they both look like him. I definitely think Baby B looks like him!
Babies have each gained 1/2 pound in 1 week! They are now 2.8 and 2.11. If they continue at that rate, they will be over 6 pound babies at delivery. We will have a c-section at 37 weeks. Doctor doesn't see any reason why I can't make it to 37. My cervix looks good right now. It is short compared to a singleton pregnancy so they will watch that closely as well to make sure it doesn't open. My weight gain is about 2 pounds every 2 weeks....but half of that lately has been the babies! :)
After my appointment yesterday, we went to urgent care (in the same building as my appointment) for Troy. He thought he broke his left baby toe the other day. And he did! So his right leg is broken, and he's hopping around on his "good" foot with a broken toe! His toe got caught up with the crutches and the crutches won.

Wednesday Troy had physical therapy.  He said it was rather painful, but can already start to feel the benefits.  His range of motion is very limited, so I'm hoping this helps quickly!  It will help boost his spirits if he can get back up and moving a bit!

It's rather comical when we walk into Kaiser.  Troy is in the wheel chair, and here I am looking like I'm going to pop at any second, and I'm pushing him in the wheel chair!  We get so many comments and laughs.  It has been nice though because everybody has offered to help us.  The staff at Kaiser have been wonderful!  We have been to several different departments.....Radiology, Ultrasound, Internal Medicine, OB/GYN, Urgent Care, Physical Therapy, Laboratory, Pharmacy - did I miss any?  Everybody in each department has been wonderful!  Normally you only have a few people in one or two departments who are awesome, but they have ALL been awesome!  I'm thankful for that because that eliminates stress!
The past several weeks have been crazy.....several appointments each week! Needless to say, I'm tired now!

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