Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 1, 2012

7 More Weeks!!!!

Today I hit my 30 week mark, which means for us, we have 7 weeks to go!  There's something about leaving the "20's" and entering the "30's".  It just sounds like you are so much further along!  Because we have twins, we will deliver at 37 weeks because after that point, there is no room in the uterus for the babies.  I'm feeling excited, nervous, anxious, and I can't wait to meet my little boys!  I sometimes doubt my abilities to take care of two babies, and question whether or not I will be a good mom.  This is where Troy comes into play, and reassures me that not only will I be a good mom, but I will be a great mom!

We still have so much to do that I wonder whether or not I will be able to get it all done.  As far as baby things go, that's all done.  I'm talking about packing up, moving, etc.  It all seems so overwhelming and it has to be done within the next few weeks.  I'm trying to do what I can, and still take it easy.  I guess all I can do is take it one day at a time!

How am I feeling?  I feel huge!  I am uncomfortable 24/7.  I have a lot of pelvic pressure (comes from carrying multiples). I am frequently tired. I have to pee all the time (mostly from the pelvic pressure).  My fingers are swollen and stiff.  I get headaches about every other day. I have a hard time bending down.  I am unable to carry things.  It is extremely difficult to drive.  Getting out of bed is an adventure.  Getting out of a chair is comical.  My emotions are starting to kick into overdrive.  I'm frequently congested......but other than that, I'm great!  Lol!  :)

Oh, and today, I made the HUGE mistake of watching a video on circumcision.  HUGE, HUGE, HUGE mistake!  The waterworks really started then!  Troy had to come over and hold my hand, and I think even he teared up a bit.  That poor little baby in the video was just crying, and crying, and crying.....and that was after they numbed it.  Why I watch things like this....I don't know!  I guess as a woman who is carrying two little boys, you want to know what's going to happen to them, or what they have to go through.  I'm hoping the little baby in the video was just crying as a result of the injection and that it didn't really hurt him that badly.  Poor little guy!

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