Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two More Great Appointments

Today at 31 weeks 3 days I had an appointment with my high risk doctor.  Everything looks great according to the doctor!  The boys have really done some growing since the last appointment.  Baby A is now 3 pounds 12 ounces.  Baby B is now 4 pounds 7 ounces.  They both have really long leg and arm bones, which means they are going to be long babies!  Heart rates were 136 and 139....both very strong heartbeats!  Baby A is smaller than Baby B because he has less room than baby B does, but they both have enough room to continue to grow healthy and strong!  :)

Troy also had a physical therapy appointment today.  The physical therapist is amazed at how quickly he is recovering!  I'm pretty pleased with his progress as well.  It's nice to see him walk again, and I know he's really enjoying being able to walk.....without crutches, or with just one crutch if his leg gets too sore!  He's been driving too so I'm sure he feels a sense of freedom again!

Two good appointments in one day.....I'd say we're both happy!

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