Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 21, 2012


I will be 33 weeks tomorrow.  I had some contractions this past week, and boy did they ever hurt!  These were definitely the real thing - NOT Braxton Hicks.  I found that the contractions occur if I don't get enough rest.  Since we have been moving our stuff into my parents over the last week, I haven't been able to get enough rest, hence the contractions.  I've made it a point the last couple of days to be extra "lazy", and all seems to be well, at least as far as contractions go.

This morning I woke up feeling extra groggy, and just not feeling well.  I am extremely congested, have a headache, and am super sleepy.  Apparently 1 in 3 women will get "sinus congestion" not related to the nasal sinuses.  The hormones and extra blood flow cause congestion, and I'm just always the lucky one to experience many of the pregnancy symptoms.

On the bright side, I only have 1 month to go!  Yep....ONE MORE MONTH!!!  :)

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