Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another healthy Dr's Appointment!

I had another doctor's appointment today.  Babies look good.  Baby Troy Jr. is no longer head down.  He decided to turn around, and his head is now above my belly button.  Baby Tristan is still in the same position.  His head has been up for the past month or so.  The heartbeats look good, and both boys were moving around during the ultrasound. 

My weight gain is steady, so I'm hoping it stays that way and doesn't get too excessive.  I'm gaining about 1 - 1.5 pounds per week, which is normal for twin pregnancies.  My blood pressure was 118/64, so it's still really good.  No bed rest is required yet!  Yay!  That's good news! 

I start going in for appointments every two weeks from here on out.  I also have another ultrasound in two weeks where they will check the growth and weight of the babies.  They need to make sure both babies are growing at an even rate. 

I'm 23 1/2 weeks today, and my uterus is measuring at 29 weeks....5 1/2 weeks larger which is why I look like I'm almost full term!  I'm just glad we had another good visit!  :)

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