Why is there a picture of Gold's Gym and iPod Nano's you ask? Well, it's quite simple. Other than the fact that I didn't really have anything else to post.....it's here because Troy and I decided to get our non-shapely bodies in shape! Yes, I'm probably making up words, but that doesn't really matter...you all get the point! Anyways, after months of feeling like we needed to do something about our ever increasing weight, we decided to join the gym when our apartment complex was having a promotion with the gym. $25/month, and only $25/down....you can't beat that anywhere really! Usually when there's a "promotional rate", the membership is limited... but not ours! We get full benefits! The really cool thing is that there is a seperate work out room for the women. This I'm sure will be used at some point in time! :)
And for the iPod nanos......you can't work out without some tunes! Troy and I broke down and bought one for each of us. We each got an 8GB nano for a really really good price! Troy got the lime green, and I got (you guessed it), PINK!! We decided to buy them because we are always paying bills and we needed to do something for us. Yes, money is tight, but in order to stay motivated and to get our $$ worth at the gym, we needed something! So, right before I updated our blog, I played around with both iPod nanos and converted all the music I had to iTunes.... which came out to be 976 tunes! Then I synchronized our iPod's....and now we each have nearly 1,000 tunes to keep us running! That should last for quite some time....oh, and the memory isn't even 1/2 full yet! Why didn't we get one earlier??? These things are AWESOME!!!
Wish us luck!