Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The "boys" weekend!

Here are the "boys" in my life (from left to right).....Tyler, Troy, and Deonte (making the goofy face). This was taken last weekend at our apartment. Tyler and Deonte came up for the weekend. I'm pretty sure Tyler enjoyed himself....and Deonte always likes coming over to the house to hang out with his dad. Tyler likes to make cookies, so we made sugar cookies. He thought it was pretty neat that he was making cookies with somebody other than his mom or grandmother! Troy made a really good dinner that night (well, he always makes good dinners!) He made pork chops and I made stuffing and mashed potatoes to go with the pork chops. After we ate, the "boys" carved a pumpkin for Halloween! Too bad I wasn't smart enough to take a picture of it! What was I thinking?? (I was probably thinking I wanted to go to bed because they were carving it around midnight!!)

A picture of the boys without the funny faces!!

Tyler with Maxie. He sure does love the doggies! :)

Troy always looks so mad.....

I think he was having a lot of fun with the dogs (below)

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