Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 25, 2008


So tonight (Saturday, October 25th), Liz, Chris, Emily, CJ, my mom, Troy, Deonte, Talia, and Demari (and me of course) all got together and went to the "Trunk-or-Treat" at the church. Emily was a cheerleader, CJ was a dragon, Talia was Cinderella, and Demari was Thomas the Train.

Normally what happens is all the kids come in their costumes, and play games inside the church gym for a little while. Then later on, they all go outside to the cars that are lined up to the sidewalk with their trunks nearest the sidewalk. They usually decorate the trunks for Halloween, and the kids go trunk-or-treating. Well, it didn't exactly happen as planned. It was raining all day so the plans had to be modified. The trunk-or-treat turned into a trick-or-treat inside the church hallways. The kids got a ton of candy..... it should last them for weeks - and halloween hasn't even arrived yet! :)

All in all, EVERYBODY really enjoyed themselves! Troy and Deonte enjoyed watching all the kids run around, and got several good laughs. The costumes were great, and the games were entertaining and rewarding! I took a bunch of pictures and couldn't decide which ones to post, so I'm posting them all.

Emily reminds me of myself when I was her age! Chris and Jessica know.... there's a picture of the three of us when we went trick-or-treating. Chris and Jessica were posing for the picture, and I was there opening a piece of candy!

Emily at the ring toss (above)

(ABOVE) Emily quickly realized that if she got closer, the ring toss would be much easier, and she would get more rings on the post.

(ABOVE) Demari, Emily, Liz, and 1/2 of moms the ring toss again!

(ABOVE) Demari learned the same lesson Emily did about the ring toss....the closer he is the easier it is!

Emily gets a boost from grandma (above)

Talia has her "shot" at basketball. I think she actually made this one! (above)

Emily poses for the camera....she is too cute! :)

Talia and Demari try their luck at the bean bag toss (above)

Emily trying to hold CJ (grandma had to help)

The whole crew

Demari.....uh um, excuse me....Thomas the Tank Engine

Grandma and the little dragon, CJ

Emily and Talia at the fish pond (above and below)


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time :)

  2. thanks for posting new pictures! i love to see all the kids. i guess i better get my pictures from my camera uploaded to the computer, so i can post new pictures too.
