Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Doggie Graduation"

Over the past 8 weeks on Thursday evenings, we have been faithfully taking our doggies to the "Beginner Training Class" at our local Pet Smart. We have definitely seen improvements with our dogs. The most noticable improvement with Maxie was her behavior with other dogs. She's never ever ever been mean to other dogs (she doesn't have a mean bone in her), but she is definitely a shy dog around other dogs! The very first week she was stuck under the chair the entire class. After about the 3rd or 4th week....she came around and started venturing to the center of the class....which is where she tried to be the entertainment of the class (she was pretty successful most times)! Of course Maxie was the oldest (almost 3), and the other dogs were all under 1, including Jeminye so some things came easier for Maxie. BUT, Maxie went through her puppy stage too!! With Jeminye, the most noticable improvement was her decreased level of hyperness during class. The first several weeks she was super hyper that it made it impossible to do anything! She finally calmed down a little bit which made it not so impossible.....not by much, but some is better than nothing!

So after the 8 long weeks the class is finally over and our doggies graduated with their "Class." Yay doggies! :)

The two pictures above are Jeminye's and Maxie's classmates. The one on the top is 1 year old Noosie, and the one on the bottom is Bono (I'm not sure how old he is, but I know he's under 1). The dogs all got so excited each time they saw each other in class!

Below are attempts to take pictures of Jeminye with the graduation cap on.........she was more interested in chewing the hat than wearing it!

Attempt 1.......

Attempt 2......

Attempt 3.......

Attempt 4......

Attempt 5.....

Attempt 6....We gave up at this point!

And then there's Maxie.......
Picture 1 of 2

Picture 2 of 2

We love our doggies!

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