Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 24, 2012


Ahhhh.....the swollen feet are now becoming more and more frequent!  They started about three weeks ago, but only occurred once or twice per week.  Not so much now!  I come home from work, my feet are swollen, I'm exhausted, and all I want to do is lay down and rest!  I have turned into a bum!  I am 20 weeks and 2 days today.....and I can't wait for 37 weeks to get here!  Whoever said pregnancy was fantastic.....lied!!  Tell me please, what's so great about:
  • swollen feet
  • not being able to sleep at night
  • feeling tired, hungry, and thirsty all the time
  • waking up several times in the middle of the night (after you JUST fell asleep) to pee
  • having an irregular body temperature (one minute I'm hot, the next I'm freezing)
  • constant pressure on my "lady parts"
  • having your stomach feel like it weighs a TON
  • gas, constipation, etc.
  • leg cramps
  • frequently being out of breath
  • having zero energy
  • itchy skin....even with lotion!!

It is amazing though to see the growth of our baby boys!  At my appointment last week, one of them was sucking their thumb.  I can feel their movements becoming stronger and stronger.  In the beginning (well, not really beginning, but around 11 weeks or so) it just felt like little butterflies, or fish swimming around.  Now, they are becoming more like they're saying "let me out of here!"  Every once in a while the thump is so strong that I can actually feel it on the outside.  I can't wait until they become stronger and more frequent so Troy can begin to feel them.  We have another appointment tomorrow.  This will be our anatomy scan.  They will check to make sure everything that is supposed to be there, is.  They will also verify the gender of our babies.  Although we had an outside ultrasound done a few weeks ago and they said both were boys, it will be reassuring to know that they are indeed boys.

Our nursery is coming together.  Our crib is put together, some decorative stickers have been put up, the swing and bouncy seat have been assembled, all baby clothes have been washed and put away according to size, now we just need to put together the dresser, and tidy up the nursery a bit.  I have taken pictures of the progress so far, and will have to make sure I post a picture (we are house sitting for my parents this week, so I don't have my camera available to upload the photos).  I did stop by our house yesterday, and I looked into the nursery, and it just made me feel so happy!  When I do post pictures, remember this is OUR nursery....NO copycats!!!!!!!  Get your own ideas!!!!  :) 

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