Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Troy Gets Kicked!!

For the past several weeks, I have been able to feel the boys kicking away!  They are the most active after I have eaten something sweet, or when I am laying down.  Each time they kick, they do several kicks in a row.  When they start their kicking, I always yell for Troy to come over and put his hand on my stomach so he can feel them too.  Well, wouldn't you know that each time he has placed his hand on my belly, they stop kicking!  It's like they know we're trying to accomplish something, so they're in there teasing us!!  Tonight was finally different!  I was sitting in the recliner, and the kicks felt pretty strong.  After about two kicks, I told Troy to hurry up and come over so he could feel them.  So he put his hand on my stomach, and waited.  About 30 seconds later, Troy nearly jumped out of his skin!  I have never seen him move so fast!  He finally felt them kick....but he said that he wasn't expecting them to kick since they haven't cooperated in the past.  Because of that, it scared him half to death.  It was a priceless moment in more ways than one!  I'm glad he was finally able to feel his babies moving!  :)

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