Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Anatomy Scan - 20 weeks 3 days

Yesterday (September 25th) we had an appointment for our anatomy scan.  This was a pretty long appointment!  It was about two hours long.  Normally it's about 1 hour or less, but since we have twice the took twice the time!  At this appiontment, they check the anatomy of both babies.  They took about 200 images via ultrasound.  They check the circumference of the head, the brain, the heart (making sure there are four chambers, and aorta, and the heartbeat), they measure the size of the clavicles, spine, thigh bones, feet, hands, arms, etc.  They also check to make sure the stomach and the heart are on the correct side of the body (which they are for both boys).  And yes, if we didn't already know what we were having, they would have told us gender if we wanted.  They did confirm that both are indeed boys.  There was no disputing that!  The evidence was clear as day!  Both boys were not shy to show their "junk."  Lol!  It's like they knew we were checking, so they just spread their little legs wide open.....I think they were proud of it!!  (If they weren't.....daddy sure was!)

It's so neat to see the babies on the screen.  We get to see how they interact with one another.  They were "fighting" with each other when we had our gender scan done at 17 weeks......and nothing has changed!  They were fighting for their space.  They kept kicking and swatting at each other.  Baby A (the one that will be Troy Junior) kept putting his boy parts in the face of Baby B (the one we will name Tristan).  Junior definitely has Troy's personality already!  He is very active, and seems like a bit of a tease.  Tristan, well, he has my personality (thank goodness!!!).  He appears to be very mild mannered.  Tristan was sucking his thumb, and even gave us a "thumbs up."  Now, whether or not it was intentional, we'll never know.  But we like to think it was! 

We'll get the results of the anatomy scan in a few days.  The doctor in the radiology department has to analyze them, then he'll send them to my OB/GYN where he'll discuss them with us.  I pray every night that our babies will grow healthy and strong.....and I believe my prayers will be answered!

Here's a few pictures from the anatomy scan:

Twin A (T.J. - aka Troy Junior) is on the Left, Twin B (Tristan) is on the Right

This is baby T.J. (Troy Junior).  He is located on the left side of my body, closest to my cervix.  He's the one that is causing a whole lot of pressure down there!!!

This is baby Tristan.  He's located in the right side of my belly and is currently breech

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