Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Monster progress!

Here are some pictures of the nursery in progress!  We (mostly Troy) put together the crib.  We (TROY) still have the dresser to put together then I have a little bit of organizing to complete.  For the most part, the nursery is pretty much ready.  All the boys clothes have been washed and organized by size.  Once we get everything together, I'll take more pictures and put them on our blog.....because I know everybody so desperately wants to see the pictures, lol!

Troy at the beginning stages of assembling our crib.

Getting the side rails ready to attach to the ends.
Taking the pieces out of the box.

Jeminye trying to figure out what is going on.  She was trying to help....but mostly got in the way.  She has a way of plopping herself down in the middle of everything!

Maxie just relaxing and checking things out.

Demari and Talia with their attempts to help daddy.

Demari is screwing something in there....I think he actually got it!

The crib all assembled, the mattress in place, the crib sheet on the mattress, the monster fuzzy blankets washed and ready for use,  and the monster decoration stickers on the wall.  Hopefully we'll get the rest of the nursery items at out baby shower (crib blanket, mobile, lamp, rug, hamper, etc.).  Those things will really pull everything together!

Jeminye is getting ready for the babies.  She has already taken her position as guard dog!

Troy showing his finished product (he put the crib together, I put the crib mattress and sheet in place as well as the blankets and stickers).

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