Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 24, 2012


Sunday morning, at 33 weeks and 1 day, I woke up feeling "blah."  I ate breakfast at 9:30 then my snack at 11:30.  I noticed that the fetal movement of Baby A wasn't as much as it usually was.  I decided to lay down for a little bit to see if that would help.  I also drank some water because maybe I was just tired and dehydrated.

When I woke up about 30 minutes later, I was having back pain and cramping in addition to the lack of fetal movement.  I called Kaiser and they told me to go get examined at Holy Cross Hospital.  We arrived at Holy Cross just before 2 p.m.  When we got there, I started to have a few contractions in the waiting room, but nothing of any significance.  They took me back to triage, and hooked me up to the fetal monitors.  Both heart beats looked great, but the doctor became concerned because contractions were appearing on the monitor, and I was having more than 4 in one hour.  The doctor decided to order a bag of fluids, thinking that would help get rid of the contractions.  I was so dehydrated that my veins had collapsed.  They had to poke me 4 times before they were able to finally find a vein. 

The fluids started, but the contractions did not go away.  Infact, they intensified.  The doctor came down to check my cervix to see if I was dilated.  He said I was dilated 2 cm.  As he was checking my cervix, he accidentally broke the water of Baby A.  He said the head was right there, and the water breaking couldn't have been prevented.

They gave me antibiotics and a steroid shot to help mature the lungs of the babies.  They were hoping to have me go another 12 hours so I could get a second steroid shot.  So they packed me up, and transferred me to a Labor and Delivery room.  The contractions intensified, and the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. 

After the epidural was inserted, I wound up having to hit the "button" a few times to give me more medicine as the initial dose wasn't working.  About 1 hour after I was transferred from triage to L&D, the doctor decided to check my cervix.  I was dilated to a 9!  It was go time!  They quickly prepped the operating room and got me ready for my c-section.

At 8:55 and 8:56 p.m. the boys were born!  They are beautiful and seem to be doing well.  It wasn't what we expected, but obviously there was another plan for them!  We were hoping to get to at least 35 weeks....but they have a mind of their own!

Friday, December 21, 2012


I will be 33 weeks tomorrow.  I had some contractions this past week, and boy did they ever hurt!  These were definitely the real thing - NOT Braxton Hicks.  I found that the contractions occur if I don't get enough rest.  Since we have been moving our stuff into my parents over the last week, I haven't been able to get enough rest, hence the contractions.  I've made it a point the last couple of days to be extra "lazy", and all seems to be well, at least as far as contractions go.

This morning I woke up feeling extra groggy, and just not feeling well.  I am extremely congested, have a headache, and am super sleepy.  Apparently 1 in 3 women will get "sinus congestion" not related to the nasal sinuses.  The hormones and extra blood flow cause congestion, and I'm just always the lucky one to experience many of the pregnancy symptoms.

On the bright side, I only have 1 month to go!  Yep....ONE MORE MONTH!!!  :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two More Great Appointments

Today at 31 weeks 3 days I had an appointment with my high risk doctor.  Everything looks great according to the doctor!  The boys have really done some growing since the last appointment.  Baby A is now 3 pounds 12 ounces.  Baby B is now 4 pounds 7 ounces.  They both have really long leg and arm bones, which means they are going to be long babies!  Heart rates were 136 and 139....both very strong heartbeats!  Baby A is smaller than Baby B because he has less room than baby B does, but they both have enough room to continue to grow healthy and strong!  :)

Troy also had a physical therapy appointment today.  The physical therapist is amazed at how quickly he is recovering!  I'm pretty pleased with his progress as well.  It's nice to see him walk again, and I know he's really enjoying being able to walk.....without crutches, or with just one crutch if his leg gets too sore!  He's been driving too so I'm sure he feels a sense of freedom again!

Two good appointments in one day.....I'd say we're both happy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

30 Week Appointment

Had another great appointment today.  It was with my regular OB/GYN, not the high risk doctor (that's next week).  We went over my glucose numbers, and the dr. said he was very pleased and that the numbers look fantastic.  He was very happy that I understood how serious Gestational Diabetes is and that I took it seriously.  Nice to hear that the dr. thinks you are doing a great job!

We discussed my c-section as well.  Looks like it will be January 21st!  We took a look at the babies, and both are currently positioned head down.  That explains all the pelvic pressure I have been feeling.  He asked if I had been having contractions, but I told him at this point I can't tell because my uterus is so large and always hard.  I said nothing hurt in that area, which is good because if I was having contractions, they would hurt. 

Both babies look great.  We'll get updated information next week (weight, length, etc.).  I'll start doing weekly monitoring as well.  Apparently when I go in for appointments they'll hook me up to monitors and watch their heart rates for about 30 minutes. 

It's definitely reassuring to know that such great care is being taken to look out for the safety and health of my little boys!  :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

7 More Weeks!!!!

Today I hit my 30 week mark, which means for us, we have 7 weeks to go!  There's something about leaving the "20's" and entering the "30's".  It just sounds like you are so much further along!  Because we have twins, we will deliver at 37 weeks because after that point, there is no room in the uterus for the babies.  I'm feeling excited, nervous, anxious, and I can't wait to meet my little boys!  I sometimes doubt my abilities to take care of two babies, and question whether or not I will be a good mom.  This is where Troy comes into play, and reassures me that not only will I be a good mom, but I will be a great mom!

We still have so much to do that I wonder whether or not I will be able to get it all done.  As far as baby things go, that's all done.  I'm talking about packing up, moving, etc.  It all seems so overwhelming and it has to be done within the next few weeks.  I'm trying to do what I can, and still take it easy.  I guess all I can do is take it one day at a time!

How am I feeling?  I feel huge!  I am uncomfortable 24/7.  I have a lot of pelvic pressure (comes from carrying multiples). I am frequently tired. I have to pee all the time (mostly from the pelvic pressure).  My fingers are swollen and stiff.  I get headaches about every other day. I have a hard time bending down.  I am unable to carry things.  It is extremely difficult to drive.  Getting out of bed is an adventure.  Getting out of a chair is comical.  My emotions are starting to kick into overdrive.  I'm frequently congested......but other than that, I'm great!  Lol!  :)

Oh, and today, I made the HUGE mistake of watching a video on circumcision.  HUGE, HUGE, HUGE mistake!  The waterworks really started then!  Troy had to come over and hold my hand, and I think even he teared up a bit.  That poor little baby in the video was just crying, and crying, and crying.....and that was after they numbed it.  Why I watch things like this....I don't know!  I guess as a woman who is carrying two little boys, you want to know what's going to happen to them, or what they have to go through.  I'm hoping the little baby in the video was just crying as a result of the injection and that it didn't really hurt him that badly.  Poor little guy!