Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just Stuff

And now that I have edited and posted several videos and added a bunch of pictures, I guess I should call it a night.....or a morning?  The boys will be waking up in a few hours.  If I actually took my butt to bed when they went to sleep, I would get anywhere from 8-10 hours of sleep each night.  But I don't.  I use that time to do the things I wasn't able to finish during the day.  In addition to that, Troy and I started our own business, so that has consumed a lot of my time too!

If all else fails, at least I can count on my afternoon nap!  Yes, I have the boys on a schedule.  They usually wake up between 8-9 a.m.  They get a diaper change and eat.  Then we play, read books, sing songs, have tummy time, or sometimes go for a walk and around noon, it's time for them to eat again.  After this feeding and diaper change, it's off to la-la land.....and it's nap time for 2-3 hours.  They're up again to eat and play around 3 or 3:30.  We do more activities after they eat, then they fall asleep around 5:30ish.  Then they usually sleep for another 2-3 hours then get up, eat, get a diaper change,  get changed into their pajamas (they get a shower at this time every couple of nights) then off to bed by 10ish or 11.  Yes, my boys go to bed late.  I do this on purpose.  Why do you ask?  Well, their daddy doesn't get home until around 7:30.  He works 10:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.  If the boys were to go to bed by 7 or 8 p.m., he would never get to spend time with them!  And you see what he was doing in one of the videos.....he was getting Landon to laugh for the first time.

Ok, now it's really time for bed!

Tristan Talks....and screams!

It seems like every time I take video of Tristan, he's crying.  Looking back at the video, I know why he was crying!  Each time I recorded him it was right before he was about to eat.....which is why he has his hands in his mouth in almost every video.  That's what he does when he's hungry...he starts eating his hands, then will move onto crying.  So here is yet another video where he starts to cry!  This was on April 15th.

Landon Laughs!

This is the FIRST time we have heard Landon Laughing.  He will coo all the time and make all sorts of noises, but never has he laughed!  This was too cute!  This video was taken on April 24th.

The Boys Talk to Each Other

People always ask me if the boys talk to each other.  And the answer to that question would be a big fat YES!!  We were able to catch them briefly on camera talking to each other.  This was from April 21st, 2013.

Landon and the Jumper - PART 2

And here's part 2 of yet another boring video!  I actually love watching the videos....but I guess that's because they are my boys and I love everything about them! 

Landon in the activity jumper - Part 1

This video was on April 13th.  It's video of Landon in the new activity jumper (pictures of them in the jumper were posted in a prior post)

Landon & Tristan

It seems that every time I pull out the video camera, Tristan gets camera shy and doesn't smile, or talk.  This is yet another dry video, but what makes it cute is in the background you can hear Landon coo-ing away!  This was April 10th.

Mommy and Tristan

This video was taken on 3/25/13.  It's nothing exciting.....pretty dry.  It's just me talking to Tristan.  He wasn't talking that much back when the video was taken and had just turned 3 months old.  Now at 4 months old, he's really chatting up a storm!

A Hundred More Pictures! (Not literally....but CLOSE!!!)

Some more pictures of the boys!  These pictures were taken between April 6th and April 20th.  I have to admit, I have a very difficult time deleting pictures from my blog.  I don't like adding just the "good" pictures.  I love adding the pictures with the crazy looking faces.  I think it gives the boys character and it paints a real picture of our lives!  Not everything is perfect all the time....and the same goes for pictures!

The first two pictures are of my niece Annie.  She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the boys!  She feels like such a big girl when she's helping with the boys!  I was going to say she's not quite 2....but actually, she's two today!  She does a great job helping out!  She gets lots of practice with her baby doll at home.  In these pictures, she's putting the nuk-nuk (pacifier) back in Landon's mouth.  Funny thing is you don't even have to ask her to do it!  She just does it when he cries!

So we got another fantastic gift!  This is a Baby Einstein activity jumper.  Troy had just put it together and I put the boys in it the second he was finished.  Tristan wasn't quite sure what to think of it.  It's growing on him.  Landon is a totally different story!  He loves it!  And he can even jump a little on his own.  He can push the buttons that play the music as well (Tristan can also push the buttons).  Of course they are too young to associate their action with the music but it's still fun to watch!  Tristan is the one wearing the long sleeve yellow hoodie.  Landon is in short sleeves.

Landon in his carseat

This is his GRUMPY face!

Here's Tristan.  He looks a bit confused.

Tristan is on the left, and Landon is on the right of the next group of pictures.  I don't think we were really doing anything in particular.  They look like they are tired, so we probably just got in the house from running errands.


And of course the next group of pictures is of Troy with the boys, then a family picture.  It's always fun trying to take a picture of all of us!  I guess we should go to someplace like the Picture People and have official pictures done, huh?

And here's my favorite yet!  Tigger (Tristan) and Mickey Mouse (Landon).  I love these outfits.  NO, they are not Halloween costumes.  I must have had twenty or so people ask me if they are costumes.  Nope, they are just a regular romper with a hat.  My mom bought them at Babies-R-Us.

Last but not least, the coolest dude on the block!  Tristan in the baby sunglasses we got for the boys from Carter's.  Now I'm sure you're asking, Why did they get sunglasses for the babies?  And my answer to that reason really!  We just thought they were cute!  Seriously, what parent can resist putting ridiculous things on their little ones?  He rocks them though, doesn't he?!  :)