Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just Stuff

And now that I have edited and posted several videos and added a bunch of pictures, I guess I should call it a night.....or a morning?  The boys will be waking up in a few hours.  If I actually took my butt to bed when they went to sleep, I would get anywhere from 8-10 hours of sleep each night.  But I don't.  I use that time to do the things I wasn't able to finish during the day.  In addition to that, Troy and I started our own business, so that has consumed a lot of my time too!

If all else fails, at least I can count on my afternoon nap!  Yes, I have the boys on a schedule.  They usually wake up between 8-9 a.m.  They get a diaper change and eat.  Then we play, read books, sing songs, have tummy time, or sometimes go for a walk and around noon, it's time for them to eat again.  After this feeding and diaper change, it's off to la-la land.....and it's nap time for 2-3 hours.  They're up again to eat and play around 3 or 3:30.  We do more activities after they eat, then they fall asleep around 5:30ish.  Then they usually sleep for another 2-3 hours then get up, eat, get a diaper change,  get changed into their pajamas (they get a shower at this time every couple of nights) then off to bed by 10ish or 11.  Yes, my boys go to bed late.  I do this on purpose.  Why do you ask?  Well, their daddy doesn't get home until around 7:30.  He works 10:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.  If the boys were to go to bed by 7 or 8 p.m., he would never get to spend time with them!  And you see what he was doing in one of the videos.....he was getting Landon to laugh for the first time.

Ok, now it's really time for bed!

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