Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Teething Already?

Looks like one of our little guys is teething already!  I can't believe that at just over three months, the teething has already begun!  Tristan has all of the major signs of teething.....the excessive drooling and spit bubbles with a cough, the extra crying, the gnawing on everything (especially his wrist), the not wanting to eat for more than a couple of minutes then he falls asleep and will wake up about 10 minutes later wanting to eat again.  And he doesn't sleep like he normally does.  Let's just hope that he doesn't get too cranky!

I can't believe that these little guys (well, maybe not so little) were seven weeks early and have hit every single monthly milestone that a full term baby hits!  They are definitely our little miracle boys!

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