Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Few Recent Pictures

Here are a few more recent pictures for those of you who actually look at our blog!  The boys grow up so fast!  Tristan has been sick so I haven't taken too many pictures of him recently.  I've just been letting him rest (the flash bothers them, so I don't want to disturb him!)

Landon in his Redskins outfit from Aunt Jessica.....what a content little baby!  Funny how his middle name is Dallis and he's in a Skins outfit!

Daddy feeding Buddha (Tristan)

Awwww......Tristan is getting some love from his daddy!

The introduction of a new toy........he's thinking about it!

Mmmmm.....this thing is yummy!

Having a staring contest with the orange hippo...elephant....not sure WHAT it is!  But it's cute and Landon likes it!


How CUTE am I???!!!!

What a little ham!!

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