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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Update on the boys

So I was thinking that it has been too long since I've posted any updates about the boys.  I have been adding pictures, but not really a whole lot of text.  So here it goes.......boring material that will help you fall asleep at night!  Since Landon is the oldest, I guess we'll start with him.


At his last visit on March 15th for pink eye ( eye), he weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces.  They didn't measure his height at this visit, but when he got his 2 month shots on February 25th, he was 22 inches long.  If I were to guess, I would say our little "Peanut" is now in the low 13 pound range.  There is usually less than a 5 ounce difference between Landon and his brother, but they carry the weight differently.  Peanut has a slender frame, while Buddha (Tristan) is more solid.

Landon is developing such a personality!  He is a little charmer!  He loves looking at things, and loves to follow your every move.  He especially loves to look at daddy!  Yes, he is a daddy's boy!  Don't get me wrong, he is in love with his mommy too....but he looks like Troy and acts like Troy, so it's only natural for him to be a daddy's boy!  He responds very well to people and mimics the sounds we make.  He has become very vocal.  He smiles when you talk to him, tickle him, or smile at him and I think he has the most adorable little smile!  He literally smiles from ear to ear!  His whole face lights up when he smiles!

His eyes are always changing color, so we aren't exactly sure what color his eyes are.  Some days they look green, other days they look bluish brown.  What ever color they are, they are actually quite intriguing!

He has a good amount of hair on him.  It is soft to the touch and is starting to curl up.  His hair is a dark brown.

Sometimes I think he likes to play games with people.  He'll spit his nook (pacifier) out and do a little whine until you put it back in his mouth.  Then he just smiles, and spits it out again.  Every time you put the nook back in his mouth, he just smiles at you.  The little guy is a big tease!

When his fists aren't balled up, you can see that he has pretty long fingers.  His fingernails grow like weeds!  I trim them about three times per week.  They always have dirt underneath them which I don't understand how this happens!  It's not like he's outside rolling around in dirt!

Landon is a pretty good eater.  He is now up to about 5 ounces of formula every 3 or 4 hours during the day.  He doesn't make as big as a mess when eating now.  Earlier, it always seemed like he got more milk on his clothes than he did in his mouth!   At night, he usually sleeps around 6-8 hours without waking up.  But boy, when he wakes up, he WAKES up!  I swear the entire neighborhood can hear him!  When he's hungry, he lets you know! 


At his last visit on February 25th, he weighed 10 pounds 9 ounces and was 22.25 inches long.  I'm guessing that at this point he is in the high 13 pound range.

Tristan has also developed quite a personality!  He is such a ham!  Our little "Buddha" has the chubbiest cheeks!  Like any mommy, I love gently squeezing them!  He is also big on tracking objects, especially people.  His favorite person to track is his mommy!  He follows my every move!  Tristan is more of a mamma's boy.  He loves cuddling with me (and I love it too).  When he's screaming at the top of his lungs and nobody else can calm him down.....just give him his mommy and he stops instantly!  He is also a big smiler!  He squeals with excitement when you smile at him.  He does a half smile on the right side of his mouth....kind of resembles the Elvis smile!  Tristan's eyes light up when he smiles and you can just tell he is one happy boy!

Tristan has the bluest eyes you have ever seen!  They are gorgeous!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will stay that way!  His eyes are different shades of blue depending on what colors he wears as well as how bright it is outside.

He is lacking in the hair department.  Because he had cradle cap (and still has remnants of it), his hair hasn't grown as much.  We are using Selsun Blue for his cradle cap as directed by our pediatrician.  He also has eczema, so we use Aveeno (again, as directed by our pediatrician).  The Aveeno is fantastic!  He has developed a hemangioma on his forehead, so many people use that as a way to distinguish between the two boys.  Hemangioma or not, I know the difference between my boys!

Not only is Tristan lighter in color than his brother, but he is also a bit more serious than his brother.  You can definitely tell he's going to be like his mommy!  His fingernails also grow like weeds!  He currently has several scratches on his nose and between his eyes because of his fingernails....that I just trimmed on Monday!  His fingernails don't accumulate a bunch of dirt underneath like his brother!

Tristan eats like crazy!  I'm scared to see what the next 18 years or so brings!  If he eats like this now, I can ONLY imagine how he'll be eating when he gets older!  He will eat up to 8 ounces, then fall asleep and wake up about 1 hour later wanting more food.  That doesn't happen on a regular basis, but often enough to frighten me a bit!  His normal milk intake is 6 ounces every 2-4 hours during the day.  At night, he will sleep for 6-10 hours before waking.  However, lately he has been weird with his food.  He will eat about 1/2 an ounce then fall asleep.  About 10-15 minutes later, he'll wake up screaming bloody murder and want another ounce or so of formula.  Then fall asleep again.....and the cycle continues!  I have found that if his formula is warm, he gets more of it in his mouth, as opposed to it being cold/room temperature and getting most of it on his bib!  As mentioned in a previous post, we are pretty sure he is teething.  He is showing all of the signs of it!  Poor little fella!  I hope he'll be one of those lucky kids who doesn't feel any pain/discomfort from teething!

Both boys love being outside and going for walks.  Well, for them it's a ride in the stroller.  They do fantastic on long car rides and seem to enjoy the soothing vibration of the stroller and the car.  They also both like classical music.  That has become a must have in our car!  Tristan squawks with excitement when our dogs Maxie and Jeminye get in his face.  Landon just kind of gives them the stink eye, then a quick smirk afterwards.  They both get daily tummy time, and I can see that it has been paying off.  Their necks are getting stronger and they are gaining more control over their heads.  They are both some serious poopers!  Whew!  I wish you could smell what comes out of these little guys!  And they both burp like grown men!  However, Tristan's burps are a bit louder than Landon's.   I still nurse both boys, but after reading this, you can see why I can't keep up!  I do what I can....and that's all anybody can ask of me!  They are good, strong eaters!  As long as they are getting fed that's all that matters!  It's amazing how similar, yet different they are!

People say to me all the time, "I can barely do it with one, I don't know how you do it with two."  Honestly, in the beginning I didn't know HOW I was going to do it with two, but I quickly learned!  I didn't have a choice!  These boys needed me, so I did whatever I needed to do!  I don't know what life is like with only one baby so since this is all I know, it's not that difficult for me!  You just learn to have more patience, to plan ahead, and to plan on your plans being "derailed."

I couldn't see my life doing anything else!  Being a mommy is what I was born to do!  My boys are happy and healthy!  And for that I am forever grateful!

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